People Are Really Dumb And These Photos Are Proof

Some people are really, really dumb. You see it every day, but sometimes the true stupidity gets lost in the shuffle. These people have IQs so low that they'll remind you how much of a genius you can be in comparison. The bar for intelligence has never been lower...

Eye See

Sometimes you see something and just have to watch it happen. This guy had the bright idea (or should it be "eye-dea") to take a picture of his eyeball for some reason. Hopefully, that was the reason, or he just doesn't know how to properly use a camera. This is super dumb!

Heard Of It?

The idea of someone listening to the same exact song at the same exact time might sound crazy to Gen Z, who grew up exclusively on Spotify and Apple Music. However, older generations remember flipping the stations to find what everyone else in the world was listening to...

Never Quit

Graphic design is apparently not very important when it comes to clothing. This shirt is supposed to say "Never Quit, do your best!" However, due to the nature of the design, it looks like this shirt is taking a cynical stance when it comes to perseverance. Never do your best...quit!

There's Got To Be An Easier Way

Someone poured the wrong stuff in the wrong containers, but there has got to be a better way to go about this. While most people would just swap the two receptacles, this person decided to swap the names on them! This is what's called a short-term solution, but a long-term issue. 

Koala Cry

If you get the chance to adopt an animal from across the ocean, chances are that that animal is not getting a first-class flight overseas to your destination. This woman paid $70 to support the life of a koala abroad, not to have one in her backyard! Her boyfriend certainly paid the price for it...

He What?

Technically it's grammatically correct...if you don't count the ring drawing as an 'O'. Unfortunately, that's pretty hard to do based on the design. Instead, it looks more like the groom-to-be took his beloved into the bathroom with him to pop the big question... is there more toilet paper?

Put It In Rice

You're probably heard of the age-old solution to water spilled on an electronic device: stick it in some rice and hope for the best! This person had the right idea, but the wrong execution. If there's a spill under the keys, surely dumping your lunch on top won't be enough to get you back in the system!

Oui, Oui

A world without autocorrect is a difficult world to be in, but this guy messed up his spelling so bad that even Google couldn't figure out what he was saying! A croissant might be delicious, but it's definitely not spelled with a q. However, it is pronounced that way in France...good guess!

Candy Gram

This guy was pretty upset at someone online trying to sell an illegal prescription drug. However, if he looked closely he might have noticed that those aren't drugs at all...they're candy! It's doubly hilarious because he even said that candy is something that should be shared and distributed...LOL!

Short Fountains

In other countries, there is a common bathroom appliance not often found in America. While the bidet might look kind of like a tiny, short water fountain, keep it away from your mouth. It's actually used to clean a person's behind after using the bathroom. That water is not for drinking!

Good For Him

Chicken is a pretty common food for most people to like, so no wonder this mother was shocked that her child rejected the fan favorite. However, that could mean that he would one day opt to be vegetarian and avoid meat. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with whether or not he becomes an animal doctor...

Perl Horber

Spellcheck is always a good idea, especially when you are planning on putting a phrase directly on the back of your car forever. There are so many missing letters and mistakes that it's possible it was meant to be misspelled. After all, how does one forget half of the letters in 'remember'?

So Close

Some people are gay/lesbian. Some people are bisexual. Some people fall into another category of sexuality. This guy though? Is straight and stupid! If they had been reading closely, or known the definition, they would have seen that heterosexual (aka straight) is the very first option!

Tin Knight Sis

As a kid, teachers always advised you to sound out a word to spell it as best as possible. To their credit, this person clearly tried to do that...they just did it very embarrassingly. Thankfully someone had the nerve to correct their friend, but that friend didn't seem so receptive to the criticism!

Groj Sale

Hey, at least half of this phrase is spelled correctly! While the word 'garage' might not be in this person's vocabulary yet, they have a good grasp on making things work. Hopefully, they earned enough extra cash to spend some money on a new book to get their mind sharp again!


You snooze, you lose. Sharon Doyle and her son had to learn that lesson the hard way when they waited too long to bid on an Xbox and lost it before they had it. Despite the bad circumstances, she at least had the bright-eyed attitude to say "Cheers" and "Nice one" if nothing else...

Easier Solution

Some people have ideas, other people have solutions. This person had a pretty dumb idea that could have had another easier solution. Instead of opting to cover up every inch of the car except for the wheels, they could have simply taken the wheels off! Easy peasy, but difficult to think of for this person.

Off The Grid

There are so many social media accounts these days, it can certainly be difficult to keep up with. However, this person didn't even know Facebook was social media. Arguably, Facebook is one of the most popular and an originator of social media! This guy has been off the grid while also on the grid...

Stay Thirsty

Sure, that seems to be the biggest issue when drowning. The whole concept of drowning is drinking too much water! Unless you plan on drinking up the entire ocean, this is an idea easier said than done. Hopefully, they were just making a joke...

Legally Waterproof

Everyone knows that, as soon as you are a legal adult in your country of residence, you become fully waterproof. Anyone using an umbrella is simply looking for attention! Nothing says "Hey! Look at me!" quite like a giant tarp over you during the grim rainy days. Congrats to anyone who turned waterproof age this year!

Get A Refund

You can't learn everything there is to know in only one semester of higher education...but this person probably should have figured out how to spell better before being accepted. They spelled "semester" as "simester" and while it could have been a simple mistake, everyone knows it likely was not...

Bright Nerds

Always trust the factual nature of nerds! Though they might have seemed geeky on that train, those dorks know a thing or two about the big ball of light in the sky. The sun is most certainly also a star. It just happens to be a really, really close one to Earth. Don't be sad about that!

Stepping Stairs

This girl had so many opportunities to get herself out of this situation and embarrassment. She could have said, "yes, of course, I meant escalator!" She could have not posted at all! She could have just walked up or down the escalator steps to escape her hostage. Some people are truly dumb...

Do Something

Kids these days will do anything to stay on their phones just a little longer. Back in the day, if your stovetop was on fire, there would be a more heightened sense of urgency instead of say, a Facebook post? This person is just like their stepmother, whether or not they like that comparison...

The Alaskan Island

It's honestly pretty understandable why some dummy would think that Alaska is a solitary island. On certain maps of America, it's shown as being connected to nothing. That nothing, however, is where millions of people actually live! Alaska is connected to Canada, which is famously a giant landmass. 

Gravity Questions

Listen, most people don't know a lot about space. In fact, most astronauts and NASA engineers only have a limited understanding of the complexities of the expansive universe. However, most people can understand what gravity is and how it works to some degree. This person cannot say the same. 

Who's The Real Owner?

It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, but does that mean it's also a dog-walk-dog world? Who is really the one being walked? And how do dogs know when it's time to walk? Are dogs smarter than humans? Are humans just pets to animals? Does any of this make any sort of sense? Nope!

Movie Magic

Movies are made to surprise and bewilder the viewer. They are not meant to show you live-action deaths on the big screen. This person has never heard of "recreation" or "remake" apparently. The real Titanic was an international oceanic tragedy. The movie simply was a scripted and safe experience for actors who are all still alive, thankfully. 

Try Longer Distance

No one says long distance is easy, including this person who thinks that they're saying exactly that. Even though these two lovebirds live a few miles apart, that doesn't necessarily classify them as long distance. There's got to be a significant amount of time between them to get that kind of exclusive burden. 

Smells Like Gleek Spirit

Let's get this straight: Kurt Cobain and Kurt Hummel are two very different people. Kurt Cobain was a tortured teen soul who had trouble with the limelight. Kurt Hummel was a tortured teen soul who loved the limelight. Also, only Cobain was in the band Nirvana, but otherwise, kind of similar...

Once He's Able

This guy simply cannot read. how could he not see that Jacksfilms was ready to stream (for charity, of course) once he was able! And then, if that wasn't clear enough, another kind soul offered to spell out the important repeating that he will once he's able. Hopefully, he was able to!

No Tears

Not a lot of people know this, but the "no tears" shampoo is not actually a promise to reduce red eyes while washing. It's actually a claim that your hair won't be brittle and break...or tear. Get it? This person obviously did not, because all this did was rub soap directly into their eye sockets!

Uninformed Ignorance

This tweet is a great example of good intention, bad research. Homophobia is not the fear of homes, but rather a hatred of LGBTQ+ people. Still not good, but it's not like they're turning on HGTV and immediately start freaking out. Ignorance should make them angry, but not quite in that way...

Old Age

A lot of people are pretty stupid when you get right down to it. This guy for instance thinks that the first ever recorded day of history was the exact year we celebrate. The earth is billions of years old, and America as most people know it was first found in 1776. That math just doesn't add up buddy...

Not How It Works

Sure, having a new little one in the family is a pretty big deal, even for extended family members. However, the baby's gender at birth is not how someone determines their uncle or aunt status... that's the gender of the sibling. This woman is going to be an aunt, definitely not an uncle...

Missed Call

This is an experience many people have had in some form. We're so used to everyone being connected at all times that the moments without that extra involvement can be pretty mind-boggling. Even though she knew she had the phone, she still thought there could be a chance! The mind is fickle...

"Hello? Hello?"

This person was so hungry for a few donuts and a coffee that they didn't even realize that the person they were talking to wasn't talking back! It was a garbage can! The only thing that a trash can in a drive-through will give you is a bad stink in your nose. Stick with the real-life cashier...

Both Wrong

This person is so close to being right, but unfortunately not entirely there. The term is actually "carpal tunnel" not "carpet tunnel" or "carpatunnel." So close, but so very far away at the same time. Better luck with spellcheck!

Estas Equivocado

For those wondering "Estas equivocado" translates to "you're wrong" in English. Ebola is a rare but deadly disease that plagued the world for a short period of time in the 2010s. Grandmother, spoken in Spanish, is "Abuela". Those might sound similar, but they could not be more different in meaning. 

Stolen Car

This person gave themselves the gift of public transportation...twice! How does someone forget that they drove to work that day instead of taking the bus? And then, to think that she thought her car was stolen when she returned home...this lady clearly wasn't thinking at all on this day...

Lucky You

Aside from the fact that getting pregnant cannot decide the fate of your child's gender, this is just grammatically incorrect! If you have a daughter, it's a girl. If you have a son, it's a boy. Maybe this person just forgot that people can have boy children? The emojis at the end really sell this...

No One Tell Them

This person is so close to the answer but they have no idea. Obama is referring to former President of the United States Barack, wait for it, Obama. Obama's last name is Obama. That's why he's called Obama! This person could have looked this up online but instead chose to embarrass themselves...

"Next Please"

Imagine waiting in line behind a mannequin and hoping they have a quick purchase. The ashier asking to help the next person, meaning you, and instead, you're waiting for the faceless perfect body to whip out a credit card. This is dumb to a new level, but also just totally hilarious to imagine!

60% Water

This person is right in the fact that the human body does have quite a lot of water in it. After all, staying hydrated is important for a very good reason! Unfortunately, that doesn't mean we can just disappear into thin air on a hot summer's day. Thankfully, our body won't let that happen anytime soon!

House Fire

Do not put a penny in a microwave. It's unbelievable that some people need to be told that, but as a general rule, keep shiny things out of the tiny little box with buttons in your kitchen. That includes aluminum foil, travel mugs, styrofoam, and obviously, metal-like pennies! Keep that away!

No Pen

Getting a tattoo is pretty painful, almost everyone in the world can agree on that. However, most would also probably agree that getting a tattoo only to find out it was misspelled is even more painful. In this case though, maybe it should be classified as "penful". Hey, no pen no gain, you know...

800 Degrees

Again, this person had the right idea but the wrong execution. When doubling a recipe, you should definitely double all of the ingredients to make a bigger batch. However, heat is not an ingredient. This cookie recipe should be kept at 400 degrees no matter how many sweet treats go in the oven. Duh!

Dumb Dad

Oh parents, can't live with them, can't live without them...unless they make you run laps that they're responsible for. This dad could have just apologized, but he made his son run laps for his own mistake! Maybe this was a teaching moment for young Sean Mitchell: make sure Dad is ready for practice!

Of Beaties?

Diabetes is a disease caused by excessive sugars restricting insulin in the body. Dying of beaties is, unfortunately, not a real thing. This girl had no idea that the thing she was referring to was spelled so incredibly differently. Hey, at least she has a plethora of cookies, cakes, and snacks to keep her company!

Lettuce Head

You never want to assume the worst in people. This girl thought she was going to have an annoying guy hit on her but instead, she had to walk around all day because she had lettuce trapped in her hair. Maybe if she hadn't made an assumption, she wouldn't be a salad head!

Grape Chat

This person clearly meant to say that grapes disgust them...but they did not realize their mistake before other online users did! What were those grapes saying to make her hate them so much? No one likes a gossip, especially when that gossip is a grape. Not so nice you grapes!

A Few More

I don't know who needs to hear this, but there are more than seven countries. There are 197 actually. There are, however, seven continents. These continents are Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, and Australia. Some people are really as dumb as you think...

Go Ahead!

Chicken Parmesan is one of the greatest Italian comfort foods money can buy...but only if the chicken says it's okay of course! This person needed an editor before they posted this on social media. While it might be a delicious dish, it definitely doesn't need the go-ahead from a bird. 

It's You

How long do you think it took for this person to realize what they were looking at? Clearly at least a few minutes, long enough to take a quick pic and post it online for other curious commenters. Obviously, this is just their own vehicle in the reflection of the glass, but they couldn't quite grasp that idea...

What's He Writing?

Arthur is a popular kids cartoon about an aardvark growing up with some other animal pals. However, he notably doesn't have back pain throughout the entire how did this person get to this? Oh, well they confused the term arthritis with "Arthur write this" as we all have so many times before...

He Really Might

Have you ever gotten hit so badly in the head that you thought you might have a temporary brain injury? What about being hit so hard that you think you have a white person? Poor Thomas went through this crisis once before. Hopefully, it's a fixable head injury and not a hostage situation...

Not Working

This person must have been confused when none of their items were working despite being plugged into the extension cord. See, it usually helps when the extension cord is plugged into the wall where the electrical outlet is. Plugging it into the extension cord doesn't actually help anyone...

Good News, Bad News

This is a piece of very good news, but also a bad news kind of situation. The good news is that she won't have to feed 4 kids (unless something truly rare happens to occur). The bad news is she's definitely going to have to care for one of them, and that kid is going to be dumb as their mother. A tough hand to be dealt...

Looking, Locking

This guy was scrambling around in his car, checking every pocket, and didn't think to look for his keys outside the car! These keys are still locked right in the door, meaning he had them in his hands only seconds earlier. Some people are pretty forgetful, but hopefully, he found them eventually...

Bad At Math

When a person born in the year 2020 turns 80 years old, the year will be 2100. While still pretty cool to think about, they're still a far cry away from seeing the year 3000. A lot will have changed by 2100, but there's still so much to be improved upon. Hey, at least the kids born in 2920 can see it!

Bowl Of Spinch

Label makers do not have spell check, and neither do the people who make the labels! This is a halfhearted attempt at helping keep the heart-healthy. Hopefully, the salad eaters of this place will be able to tell what they're buying, because this is an ingredient best served with a laugh!

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The More You Know

  • Anatidaephobia is the fear of being watched by a duck.
  • According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg.
  • High heels were originally for men.
  • Alaska is the only state whose name is on a single row on the keyboard.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.