Festivals That Ended in Disaster

Festivals are all about fun and creating new experiences that will last a lifetime. In these instances, it did just that - although not always for the most positive reason. As with anything, if there is a high, there is bound to be a low.

Just Keep Swimming

At the Glastonbury festival, it's a five-day event where some of the most famous people in the world go to perform (David Bowie, Coldplay, Taylor Swift). Back in 2015, however, it was known for more than just the performers. Rainfall hit and the campground got flooded.


The annual music festival Coachella has become one of the most famous music festivals in the world. Most people go into the festival wearing their flashiest clothes for attention. But let’s not forget the insane amounts of partying that goes on, as shown in this image.


Anyone will tell you that just one day at a festival is exhausting. After hours of partying, people will just drop dead anywhere to get some sleep. The man in the image devised a particularly interesting plan to keep himself safe from elements while he rests.


As mentioned, the party outfits of the music festivals are usually one of the most unforgettable experiences at the event. But just because it looks cool does not mean it’s practical. As our fellow dino shows us here, the costume must at least have a decent exit strategy.

C'Mon Mom

Some festivals are kid-friendly and encouraged, while others should have kids as far away as possible with all the paraphernalia that ensues. Here, a mother brought her child to Coachella. The choice was a little risky considering the unsightly things that go on.

Gamers Game

The power of festivals is rocking with a solid crowd that is on the same wavelength as you. Music connects individuals who previously have had no contact with each other. Some people choose to experience that feeling differently and play some Clash when the party’s going.

Fyre Fail

The infamous Fyre Festival is one of the most shocking festival flops in history. The festival organizers paid influencers to market an exclusive experience on an island in the Bahamas. Once the people arrived, all they received was a half-built tent city.

Nap Time

Really, after a lot of partying, anything seems like a comfy place to rest (especially since you cannot see clearly). After collapsing from exhaustion or what have you, this guy chose to be on top of his tent instead of inside. Hope it was comfy!


Another unfortunate Glastonbury event where the weather was the blame for some epic fails in festival history. But some people are persistent and refuse to let nature stand in their way. Here, a guy became an Olympian just to continue the party.

Shower Anywhere

Festivals may be fun, but they can get you dirty in the blink of an eye with all the running, dancing, sweating and general activity. However, there are never enough showers, so here is a solution: pitching a shower in a tent. It’s flimsy but it works.

Flying Security

Festivals are infamous for being the epitome of weird but chill. Everyone there is looking for a good time, even the security. In hippie environments, yoga naturally arises, and everyone jumps in for the opportunity.

The Other Shoe to Drop

As any festival attendee knows, your shoewear is crucial to your comfort and survival, especially after days of abusing them. They have to be both comfortable and sturdy to get you through the day. One guy clearly did not verify the strength of his shoes.

Sleeping Beauty

Festivals are quite simply a paradox. They are one of the most memorable events in your life and are chock-full of activity and things to do, but it feels as though it’s over in a flash, leaving you exhausted. People passing out anywhere is not terribly uncommon.

Potty Mouth

No matter how you look at them, porta-potties are always a failure. They are a total hygiene nightmare considering how many people used them and how little they are cleaned and ventilated. You have to get crafty to stay safe out here.

Give Me A Sign

Festival goers have plenty of tricks up their sleeve, and lots of ideas, too. There are usually a bunch of free hug signs, or free compliments. At free shrugs, however, it gets a little confusing. Who is doing the shrugging? What does this accomplish? Who knows.

Hang In There

People usually don’t go to festivals alone, choosing a few friends to tag along and share the fun. While creating memories is a high priority, sometimes the pranks can go too far. Waking up stranded on a tree is far from a positively memorable experience.


Concerts make you sweat, and just generally leave you dirty. Usually, it’s because of your own bodily fluids and choices, not because Nickelodeon decided to show up to the festival and leave its mark behind.

Bubble Surf

Back in 2014 during the Ebola crisis, Akon headlined in Congo but still wanted to interact with his audience. He came out in a bubble and performed in it. Unfortunately, he forgot how hard it is to stand up in one of these, and spent most of the concert falling.

The Show Goes On

Even though smaller bands may make it to the festival, it does not mean that people will show up, especially when performing at the same time during a major act. Major respect goes out to the musicians who decided that one listener was still worth their time.

Ring Around the Rosy

Festivals have many things going on, but what they do not is trash and recycling bins. They are rare to find and are usually overflowing anyways. What to do with all the trash? Play a prank on your sleeping friend, of course.

Horsing Around

Everyone at the festival cares about having a good time, and security usually brings the end of it when people party in more extreme manners. Sometimes, though, they get in the swing of things and join the fun. Still … probably better to party somewhere else.


Outdoor festivals are great when the weather complies. When it doesn’t, it can be a serious occupational hazard. Since weather can be unpredictable, party goers have to take what they can get. You can either play in the rain or hide from it.

Let Your Hair Down

Similar to birds, humans can also use the “peacocking” method to attract potential mates at the festival. Some do this through clothing articles, others through their plumage (their hair). There is nothing short of creativity when attempting to attract mates.

Luxury Dining

The Fyre Festival, one for the books for sure. Usually at festivals, food booths and trucks are brought in to sell overpriced food. It’s simply meant for sustenance to continue the party. Fyre promised luxury food and provided luxury take-out.

Guilty Pleasure

Festivals bring people together with similar music tastes and ideas of fun. Love is everywhere, even if it’s short-lived. If you make a connection with someone, it’s natural to want to share it with the whole world. Just keep the PDA down.


Burna Boy is a Nigerian Grammy nominee and has performed everywhere. While his music may be great, his fashion choices are sometimes not. The pattern and colors of the suit are mildly acceptable, it's the tassels on them that aren’t working.

Billie, Why?

Celebrities are said to be people just like us … only most of the time, they are not. Going to Coachella is a completely different story when it comes to their outfits. Deserts and fur do not mix well, but here we see a celebrity trying it out anyways.


Camo, the controversial fabric. Who should wear it? Only tactical military personnel, that’s who. People lying in mud to scare passerbys … not really. The only thing that should be happening in this situation is the guy scaring the showers instead.


People who aren’t used to camping can find pitching their tent as one of the hardest things to do. Especially when you’re in a situation where tenting is the last thing on your mind. If you don’t have your scout’s guide and some solid foundation, expect collapse.

Glass Half-Full

Festivals and weather are like frenemies. Who knows how they are going to interact with each other on any given day! But just because things are not going swimmingly, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time while you’re drowning. Cheers!

Rags + Riches

The festival calls for a proper wardrobe. Lesser clothing items are actually encouraged due to weather conditions. But sometimes, it’s too much to handle, even if the celebrities wear it. It’s a strange combination of Mickey Mouse and bondage.

(1)01 Dalmatians

The Burning Man festival is known for some strange hippie activity. The outfits are no exception to this rule. This guy needed to choose a theme for his attire, and chose Cruella de Vil in the middle of the desert.

Tomatoe Fight!

La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Buñol, in which participants throw tomatoes and get involved in a tomato fight purely for entertainment.

The Aftermath

Festivals nowadays are really pushing the idea that they are being environmentally conscious, with an emphasis on cleanliness and recycling. That is almost never the case though, considering the amount of trash that is generated.

Damn, Daniel

Back at it again with the white Vans! In festival situations, white shoes are definitely not ideal as they will get dirty the instant the party gets going. Comfortable and fashionable are ideal, yes - but the darker the shoe, the better too.


You know it’s a good festival if you occasionally spot a few naked people running around. It must be from the ultimate combination of setting, good music, and intoxication. Festivals are not for the weak of heart.

Mud Bath

It’s good to see the positive in life, no matter what is going on in your current situation. Playing in the mud can fall under that category, especially when the weather is subpar for music festivals. But when you cannot shower for three days after … is it really a good idea?

Pigeon Takeover

Imagine: it’s Monday morning, the festival is over, and you’re packing up to go home and take a proper shower. Over the horizon, you see a dark cloud. You think it’s a raincloud, but no, it’s a horde of birds, coming over to attack the festival leftovers. Run for cover.

Drug Paraphernalia

They are everywhere during a festival, and they will find you. Be careful, though, as some can pose as undercover cops. Your average music festival drug dealer will catch you as you’re watching your favorite set to scream-ask you what drugs you want.

Mosh Pits

It’s the natural, human response whenever the song is good, aggressive, and loud. People of all demographics make a circle, then jump in it and all consensually physically attack each other. They can happen for slow songs too - like Bon Iver’s “Skinny Love”.

Keep The Kids At Home

Okay, so you want to bring your kid to a festival. (Who knows why anyone would ever do this). You bring your entire child-caring set with you and the decked-out stroller strong enough to push through crowds. The question is: will the kid even enjoy it?

Costumes of All Sizes

You will see many types of festival wear and gear once it begins. People with costumes and props of all sizes plan for months in advance what they will wear. But sometimes you only need the essentials. Like a poncho.

That One Couple

As soon as the post-festival blues settle in, the heckling begins. People on the comedown from drugs or suffering from a derailing hangover always encounter that one couple that will argue incessantly until they get home.

Morph Suits

Only here will these closeted individuals run free. Among those dressing up to the nines in festival clothing, the morph suits are completely covered and ready to party. They always have the most fun anyways. As the saying goes, no face, no case.

Pitch A Tent

It’s always interesting to see people padlocking their tents when they are in the middle of the desert with tons of other people around them. Even if the tent is locked, the tent itself is made out of nylon, so the lock itself has little use.


Always, everytime, they are there. There will always be those people who bring their stuff in suitcases for some odd reason. Sure, they can carry a lot, but there’s one setback: those wheels will never work on mud.

Camping Chairs

After paying hundreds for a ticket, you decide to bring the camping chairs to watch your favorite artists perform. Not even dance, you want to relax. It makes more sense to have it on the outskirts of the stage, but right in the middle? You might even get trampled.


Festivals are like a mini vacation. You go there to have fun and forget about everything else! The worst people are those who are upset that they miss their homes and going back to their routines. Why even come in the first place?

The Name Game

It’s an annoyance to some, sure. Just be prepared with whatever name you give out to people at the festival. If you go by “Alan” or “Steve” and you’ve never been to a festival before, watch out. Your day is about to get really weird.

Fyre Fail

Just what exactly happened here that made it such a disaster? It was marketed as a luxury festival resort on an island. Pretty cool, right? Turns out, it was a total scam because the event had little management.

Bloc Festival

The plan was for the festival organizers to ship in a boat from Germany to host the festival. Those who managed to get the limited ticket on the boat’s dock complained about overcrowding and terrible sound quality. The festival was canceled before the night was over.

Electric Daisy Carnival

This event was the one to make electronic music a popular thing in America. It is a coveted experience and always sold-out. However, in 2010, the overwhelming crowd of people was too much for security to handle, and injuries were everywhere.


This is not the same “3 Days of Peace and Music” Woodstock, but the ‘99 version. What was once a time of togetherness and love became the exact opposite, where teenagers started destroying the venue during metal songs. Woodstock was shortly discontinued.


Almost 200,000 EDM ravers came to the festival ready to party. Sadly, the elements were too much for the organizers, and caused the infamous festival to shut down. Flash floods and heavy rain hit, causing commuters to be stranded.


You know it well; it’s the “muddy one”. The festival was going wonderfully until the fateful weekend when thunder struck, floods inundated the area, and winds were blowing people’s tents away. One of the main stages literally sank. People still kept their spirits up and had fun.

Sled Island

In one of the most historically terrible weather conditions to happen during a festival, this one takes the cake. It was shaping up to be one of their best years yet when flooding of historic proportions hit the entire city and the shows had to be canceled.

Powder Ridge Rock Festival

Festival disasters don’t all just happen in the modern era - the 70s were no stranger to this. After the success of Woodstock, many organizers attempted to replicate the phenomenon yet failed. The festival ended before it even began, yet 30,000 people still showed up to party.


The people were quite literally treated like cattle at the festival. Those who got through the long lines arrived at the overcrowded campsites lacking water and hygienic facilities. Big names pulled out at the last minute. People started throwing bottles of urine onstage.


In one of the most anticipated events of the year, especially after being freed from lockdowns for the past couple years, Astrofest had some of the biggest names. Unfortunately, after terrible overcrowding near the stage, scores of people got injured and 8 passed away.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.